When all the people had assembled, the king, surrounded
by his court,
xx1xx a signal.
Then a door beneath him opened, and the accused man stepped
out into the arena. Directly opposite him were two doors,
xx2xx and side by
side. It was the duty and the privilege of the person on
trial to walk directly to these
xx3xx and
open one of them. He
xx4xx open
either door he pleased; he was subject to no guidance or
influence but that of impartial and incorruptible chance.
If he opened the one, there came out of it a hungry tiger,
the fiercest and most cruel that could be found, which
xx5xx sprang
upon him and tore him to pieces as a punishment for his
guilt. But, if the accused person opened the other door,
out of it came a
xx6xx lady,
and to this lady he was immediately married, as a reward
of his innocence. This was the
xx7xx method
of administering justice. Its perfect fairness is obvious.
The criminal could
xx8xx know
out of which door would come the lady; he opened either
he pleased, without having
the slightest
xx9xx whether, in the next instant,
he was to be devoured or married. So the accused person was instantly
xx10xx if
guilty, and, if innocent, he was rewarded on the spot
Adapted from The Lady or the Tiger by Frank Stockton
Fill in the blank.
1) Choose the word that fits best in xx1xx
2) Choose the word that fits best in xx2xx
3) Choose the word that fits best in xx3xx
4) Choose the word that fits best in xx4xx
5) Choose the word that fits best in xx5xx
6) Choose the word that fits best in xx6xx
7) Choose the word that fits best in xx7xx
8) Choose the word that fits best in xx8xx
9) Choose the word that fits best in xx9xx
10) Choose the word that fits best in xx10xx
Comprehension Questions
11) How many doors could the person choose from?
12) The main purpose of the custom discussed was
13) Who decided which door was to be opened?
14) The word assembled in
the first sentence means
15) The word innocent in the
last sentence means